Time To Set Up A Family Budget for 2022

A new year has begun time to set up a family budget for the new year. I would suggest you begin with a monthly budget and expand it each month until you are comfortable with how it is working.

There are several free worksheets if you search for personal budget forms on the internet. Begin setting your budget up on Excel with the Income portion. Some of the categories might be income from salaries (W-2) , then income from stocks and bonds, income from interest, income from rentals, miscellaneous income, etc.. TOTAL THE INCOME

Then begin listing expenses by type. For examples: Groceries, eating out, house payment or rental, child care, car payment, loan payments, education expenses(example student loan payments, utilities-electric, gas, water trash, pet expenses(food vet expenses), car expenses (gas,servicing,insurance), house expenses (inside and outside), personal expenses (hair, personal care items), Medical expenses, health club, HOA dues, vacation fund(Put even amounts monthly for your annual vacation totally your estimated cost), property taxes and insurance( even amounts monthly for total annual expense if not included in house payment), internet, phones, computer expenses(ink cartridges, paper, etc), savings, investments, there are probably several more categories unique to your family. TOTAL THE EXPENSES

Subtract the total of the Expense Categories from the total of the Income categories, that will show how much your income exceeds your expenses or your expenses exceed your income.

The amounts you have charged on your credit card should be allocated to the expenses on your budget. I would recommend that you have a separate worksheet to show the total credit card charges on each card for the month. First show the total charged for the month to the card, then have columns for the categories that match your budget like groceries, gas for car, medical, eating out, vet bill, etc going across the page that total the total monthly credit card charge.

Reconcile your bank account monthly before preparing your family budget. It may provide ideas for the categories that are needed. You may have to add categories in your budget as the year progresses.

After you get the January budget set up by the end of January compete it as soon as possible and see how you can improve upon a budget for February.

Search on the web for free budget preparation sheets if you do not feel comfortable preparing one yourself using Excel.