Protecting Your Family Budget By Participating in Political Caucuses and Conventions That Select Candidates

You need to find out how the candidates are selected for the election this fall for Congress and the Senate and participate in them. Delegates are selected there to attend the County and State conventions. People that want to run for office are usually there and you can judge if you there might be a better candidate for your party.

Only a certain number of delegates are permitted to the County and State party conventions and they are elected or appointed at the local caucuses and meetings. The delegates have to pay their own expenses. Usually the County Conventions are close by in the County where you live. The State conventions are usually in the Capital of the State or another large city and you wuld need a hotel room for a couple of nights. Those people that have filed to run for a particular office will be in attendance at the conventions and the candidates that will represent your party will be elected at that convention.

At the State level there will usually be a party platform presented and a debate on what platform items the Party should present for that election. Pay particular attention to the platform items, if you disagree stand up and say so if given the opportunity. If you have a better idea present it to the Convention.

After the candidates are selected, their individual campaigns have a lot of work to do. Volunteer to work in a campaign office or to distribute campaign literature door to door or at public gatherings. Talk up your candidates to your friends and associates. Volunteer to be a poll watcher on election day for your Party to make sure nothing appears to be irregular.
Encourage people that are not registered to vote to register and to vote.

For the four year election that will occur in 2024 there are National Political Conventions. Delegates to that Convention are elected at the State Conventions. They also must pay their transportation, hotel, and meal costs for the convention. It can amount to a substantial amount of money but if a person is financially able to perform that service they should do it.

Get Involved attend the functions described above and help get our country back on track