A Simple Opportunity To Enhance Your Family Budget

Most people are struggling and trying to figure out even little things they can do to make a few bucks. This project I will explain can by done by adults and by younger family members if they have a few computer skills.

As a sidelight I buy and sell used golf carts, it is a good business from August to November and then again from February to April, the rest of the year it is dead.

The project I am going to explain concerns printing business cards, address labels, and fliers. If you go to Avery.com you can register at no cost and create projects which are held for you indefinitely on their website. The software is all there so you can create a business card and have your choice of many different styles. You can print the cards yourself on your computer or ask Avery to help you design the cards and print them for you. You want to print the cards and labels by yourself, it is not difficult. Getting the spacing just right requires some patience and trial and error but when you are satisfied with the design you created, it allows you to download PDF so you can print the cards an stock compatible with Avery 8875 business card stock which costs $24.95 for 400 cards. Avery stock on Amazon is very expensive. There is a very affordable alternative on Amazon there is a generic brand priced at $20 for 1000 cards, there are ten on a sheet. I order the generic and they do just fine, you just crease them on the borders and in the middle and the cards easily separate.

I would recommend that if you want to sell business cards that you have created, that you first try to sell your friends and relatives. That way you may be able to avoid shipping costs. If you want to advertise them and sell them to people publicly you can beat Avery’s price even with shipping. Let’s see how much it could cost you to produce 250 business cards. The card stock would cost stock would cost approximate $5.00 and you have your time in designing the card, so you could probably sell 250 cards for $12 to $15 plus shipping costs and end up making $7 to $10 on the deal.

You can use the same procedure with Avery to design and print address labels. Again buy the generic label stock from Amazon. It is $15 for 3000 labels generic compared to almost $10 for 750 Avery. There are a large number of templates on the Avery site you can choose from. They also have ones you can download photos onto a business card or label if you want to personalize the product. At a cost of two cents a label for generic and consider your time in design and preparing it for delivery. You could sell $250 labels for $10 to $12 which would seem to be a very affordable price for most people. Your profit would be $5 to $7. Of course if you could sell them 500 cards or labels your profit would be significantly higher.

By using “Word” you can design fliers for community, church, or family events, changing the fonts and colors. You can design an attractice brochure by just copying and pasting photos logos, and quotes on a Word blank sheet and saving the project. Each of these projects would be priced at how much time you spent preparing it.

Have fun try some of these projects and see if they are profitable for you, GOOD LUCK!